We are delighted to launch our new Year-long Online Landscape Course!

Nina Royle

Nina Royle teaches on our year-long Mentoring Programme and our year-long course Defining Practice.

Nina Royle is an artist based in West Cornwall. Her work is centred on painting but is also made as text, performance and utilitarian objects. In these works mythologies, observations of the phenomenal within the every day, and the alchemic possibilities of pigmented materials conflate, to be understood through one another. Royle graduated with an MA in Fine Art from the Slade School of Art and has exhibited at Kingsgate Project Space, London; Arusha, Edinburgh; NICC, Brussels; Damian and the Love Guru, Brussels, Exeter Pheonix, Exeter, Newlyn Art Gallery, Cornwall and Tate St Ives, Cornwall. 

Portrait photograph right: by photographer Martin Holman

Nina Royle
Nina Royle