We are delighted to launch our new Year-long Online Landscape Course!

Sam Boughton

‘Drawing the landscape is exhilarating. It brings you into the present moment like nothing else’

Sam Boughton teaches our exciting new three-day short course - Abstracting the Wild Coast and will teach on our Tresco Painting Holidays for 2025.

Sam creates semi-abstract landscapes inspired by the wild and open spaces found in the South West. Fascinated by the way light, weather and seasons play out upon this landscape and create dramatic changes in colour to the region's unique collection of flora and fauna.

"There is a physicality to my work, as each mark I create aims to express my response to the energy of a particular place. I pour, drip and splash the ink across the paper whilst controlling the flow by gently manoeuvring the large sheets.
Creating a painting is a constant balance between colour and marks, space and form. Accidental marks are always embraced as these reflect the irregularity and vibrancy found in nature."




Sam Boughton
Sam Boughton